Jean-Marc Fellous

Cognitive Neuroscience:
Experimental (rodent):
Complex spatial navigation. Probabilistic decision making. Neuromodulation, memory and emotion. Neural coding and information processing by large networks. Rodent models of PTSD and empathy.
-- Hippocampus, Prefrontal Cortex in vivo: Extracellular multi unit (tetrode) recordings. Memory consolidation, re-consolidation during sleep. Spatial navigation optimization in large and complex environments. Place cell coding in 'megaspace'. Explore/Exploit decision making in probabilistically changing paradigms.
-- Neuromodulation in vivo: Role of the dopaminergic system of the VTA in long term stress and PTSD. Oxytocin/Vasopressin modulations.
-- Hippocampus in vitro neurophysiology: oscillations, resonance, neuromodulation of intrinsic and network properties.
-- Rodent model of empathy.

Experimental (marmoset):
Spatial auditory perception and memory consolidation in A1.

Theoretical: Computational Neuroscience. Computational roles of the subdivisions of the hippocampal formation in memory and spatial navigation in large spaces. Computational roles of neuromodulation. Neural mechanisms of emotion. Measures of spike train similarity. Role of 'noise' in neural computations. 'Massive' neural data analyses, neural data mining.

Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence:
Explainable and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence applied to Neuroscience and Cognitive Science. Computational Neuroscience and Multi-level Neural Modeling. Use of neural mechanisms to improve neurally-inspired AI algorithms. Role of Emotions in Computations and Cognitive Robotics. Distributed Artificial Intelligence. Multi-agent Architectures.

Face perception: Computational methods to Identify and extract facial information such as sex, emotion or age from static pictures. Computer based face recognition. Use of facial metric information for face perception.
Spatial navigation in complex environments.
Memory (re)consodilation in rodents, marmosets, humans and computers.
Neural bases of PostTraumatic Stress Disorder.
Computational Psychiatry.