Face Program


This program is used to mark fiducial points on a picture of a face. These points are then used to compute various facial distances that enter statistical and connectionist analyses. Click HERE to download.

This program was used in the following publications:

- Zebrowitz LA, Kikuchi M and Fellous JM. Facial Resemblance to Emotions: Group Differences, Impression Effects, and Race Stereotypes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 98(2):175-89, 2010.
- Zebrowitz LA, Kikuchi M and Fellous JM. Are effects of emotion expression on trait impression mediated by babyfaceness? Evidence from connectionist modeling. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 33:648-662, 2007
- Zebrowitz LA, Fellous JM, Mignault A and Andreoletti C. Trait Impressions as Overgeneralized Responses to Adaptively Significant Facial Qualities: Evidence from Connectionist Modeling. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 7(3):194-215, 2003
Sponsored by NSF grant 97-08619.

The Face program consists in an executable file (called Face.exe), a text file containing the list of points to place (called pntlist.txt), and a list of pictures to process (called piclist.txt).
pntlist and piclist can be modified at will by the users, but should be maintained in the format described below. We also include a spreadsheet (Distances.xls) that can be used to compute several fiducial distances from these points.
All pictures must be in Tif format (LWZ compressed), 255 grey levels, 512x512 by default. See convert.matlab to see how to turn existing files into the right format for Face.exe.

All files must reside in the same directory. Pictures can reside in a different directory (the point files will be saved there as well)

1) Face.exe

Face will generate .pnt files containing the relative coordinate of all the point positioned. Each coordinate is expressed as a fraction (from 0 to 1) of the X and
Y dimensions. For each picture processed (say john.tif), Face will generate a pnt file (john.pnt) containing the points. This file will be read by the 'Distances.xls' spreadsheet to compute the
various distances used for analyses (see face-withdistances.pdf). If the .pnt file does not exist, it will be created. If the file exists already, the points will be read, and displayed on the screen. The user can add, or delete points. Changing images (going to Next Image) will save the points automatically.

Basic operations:
There are two resizable windows: 'Face program' is only informative and gives some data on the current image worked on.
'Face window' is where the points are placed. In this window:
- The first line indicates the node/point to be placed next.
- Left click positions the point.
- Space bar deletes the last point placed.
- Right click near a point, hold, drag, and release, will move any existing point to a new location.

There are menu options for moving to the next picture, go back a picture, redrawing the face with/without labels/points.
See the file face-withpoints.pdf for a cartoon of where those points are meant to be. Also see the example pictures provided.

2) pntlist.txt
The first line of this file contains the total number of points.
The subsequent lines contain the following information (for each line). A 3 character label: Uniquely charaterizing the point. A short description of the point in text
hrl <index>:Intersection hair forehead level axis symmetry
see face-withpoints.pdf to see where the different points (refered to by index) are located.

3) piclist.txt
The first line of this file contains the total number of pictures.
The subsequent lines contain names of the pictures (one name per line, use backslash (/) to indicate directories).

Jean-Marc Fellous
University of Arizona