Brain Awareness Week 2009

Thursday March 19th : 9am - 3pm
Friday March 20th : 9am - 3pm and 6pm - 9pm
Saturday March 21st : noon - 4pm

at the Flandrau Science Center, University of Arizona

Download the flyer in English, or in Spanish

Brain Awareness Week is an international initiative to advance public awareness about the progress and benefits of brain research. The scientific community at the University of Arizona has organized activities at the Flandrau Science Center to educate school children and the general public about how the brain works. The activities included a brain zoo, a pleasure-from matching station, and various perceptual games and illusions to demonstrate how different senses work and adapt. About 400 school children ages 5 to 16 and adults stopped by the exhibits over the course of the three days!

> A Brain awareness week forum was also held on Saturday, March 21, 3pm: Singing in the Brain and Pleasure from matching.

> More pictures of the events can be found here (you need the Flash Player).

> An overview of Brain Research at the University of Arizona can be found here. The powerpoint slides are here.

Many Thanks to all the volunteers for their help: Brian Bayly, Marina Cholanian, Nadia Corral-Frias, Penny Dacks, Bethany Jones, Aimen Kasasbeh, Thabelo Khoboko, Nate McMullen, Ann Revll, Beth Salvagio, Laurel Watkins and of course Jen Fields and Matthew Wenger from the Flandrau.

Organized by the Society for Neuroscience, Tucson Chapter, (Thabelo Khoboko and Jean-Marc Fellous) with support (financial and otherwise) from:

The Cognitive Science Program
The Dana Foundation: Brain awareness week
The Society for Neuroscience: Brain awareness week