Emotion: Circuit Level: The LeDoux Circuit

Like Cannon (Cannon 1927), LeDoux sees the thalamus as a center where non-emotional and emotional information pathways co-exist. However, unlike Cannon, LeDoux does not attributes to the thalamus emotional computational power. This task is achieved one synapse away by the amygdala.

LeDoux defines the amygdala as a center for emotional evaluation (LeDoux, 1987; LeDoux, 1994), specifically involved in fear conditioning. It receives rapid and crudely processed information from the thalamus and NTS, and slower and more processed information from sucessive stages of cortical processing.

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Primary sensory cortices. Project to modality specific association areas.(Mesulam et al 1977).

Unimodal Association Areas:

Locus of projection of Koniocortices (Mesulam et al 1977). Project to the amygdala in a modality specific manner. Project to cingulate gyrus and orbitofrontal cortex.

Polymodal Association Areas:

Includes arcuate frontal cortex, banks of superior temporal gyrus. Projects to cingulate gyrus, prorhinal, subrhinal and entorhinal cortices.(Mesulam et al 1977).

Supramodal Association Areas:

Mainly inferior parietal area. Also includes rhinal cortices and cingulate gyrus.(Mesulam et al 1977).

NTS (Nucleus of the Solitary Tract):

In the medulla, one the major locus of termination of the vagus nerve (visceral afferents). Projects to the amygdala, the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and some hypothalamic nuclei.

Editor: Jean-Marc Fellous

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